Saturday, September 17, 2011

How to be your best at Airsoft

We all love airsoft  but sometimes you can get boring of losing all the time. Well if that is true you have come to the right place
Airsoft is a game of being smart, you have to think before doing. I am going to give you some tips to improve your gaming
First, at the beginning of the game you are not just going to run to them first you have to look where they are and then think how you can get in behind them or how to surprised them. If you see a couple of people the first thing that is going to come to your mind i shoot the but first think you have to know the kind of weapon that you have and ask your self, can my weapon shoot that far or is it power full enough to hit them?, if your answer is no your are going  to find a way to surprised them. You are going to sneak into them but you are going to watch where your are going there probably going to be more people in your way so you have to be care full that the don't see you. You are going to have to get to them but don;t run to them or shoot when your gun can't get that far. You must find a way to sneak to them just like the other. You are going to keep your eyes where you are going and what they are doing. If they decide to move you must stop and watch them and when they move and they give their back to them rush and get them from behind and hide fast so they don;t see you now your are in the enemy base, that is good but dangerous at the same time. You shall never be uncovered, always get cover. Then try to sneak up to the enemy with out someone seeing you. Its going to be a lot easier cause the wont know that your in there base. Also at the beginning of the game you should always try your best to sneak up to their bases

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