Saturday, January 14, 2012

The ten commandmets

 Here are the ten commandments of Airsoft


Hello guys, WINTER is here and that means no more airsoft for a while, well punch yourself cause your are probably still sleeping, me I am from Michigan and I love winter cause is the best time for airsoft, well of course it hurts a lot more on winter when you get hit but it does not matter. Put like 4 coats on you and head outside and star playing airsoft. Is so much better on winter because you can build your own little cave or cover. And the best part is that you don't have to go running looking for the other guy, if there are two you can make a fortress on each side and star shooting each other. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

What I hate

What I hate sometimes in airsoft is that sometimes there is this guy who is hiding behind a tree or something and the I see him and I star shooting and the he takes out hes weapon and he sticks his head out and wait for me to get out and shoot and because is just a lit of bit of his head that I see is very hard for me to shoot him fast. So if that happened to you what you should do is when he sticks hes head out just spray and force him to get behind cover and then when he does that you sprint to a location that there is cover and you got him easily on your sight. And boom.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

How to chosse the right weapon at Airsoft

We all want the to have the best air soft gun on the field, so which can be the best one. Well the Airsoft gun are classified but is fps and range. If you are playing out doors the best weapon that you are going to need is going to be an assault rifle such as the m4,schar-h, akm-47 and many more. I myself will recommend a weapon the its fps are about 340-500 and range 130 feet, if your gun has all those characteristics you should be proud of your gun

How to be your best at Airsoft

We all love airsoft  but sometimes you can get boring of losing all the time. Well if that is true you have come to the right place
Airsoft is a game of being smart, you have to think before doing. I am going to give you some tips to improve your gaming
First, at the beginning of the game you are not just going to run to them first you have to look where they are and then think how you can get in behind them or how to surprised them. If you see a couple of people the first thing that is going to come to your mind i shoot the but first think you have to know the kind of weapon that you have and ask your self, can my weapon shoot that far or is it power full enough to hit them?, if your answer is no your are going  to find a way to surprised them. You are going to sneak into them but you are going to watch where your are going there probably going to be more people in your way so you have to be care full that the don't see you. You are going to have to get to them but don;t run to them or shoot when your gun can't get that far. You must find a way to sneak to them just like the other. You are going to keep your eyes where you are going and what they are doing. If they decide to move you must stop and watch them and when they move and they give their back to them rush and get them from behind and hide fast so they don;t see you now your are in the enemy base, that is good but dangerous at the same time. You shall never be uncovered, always get cover. Then try to sneak up to the enemy with out someone seeing you. Its going to be a lot easier cause the wont know that your in there base. Also at the beginning of the game you should always try your best to sneak up to their bases

Getting Ready for a Airsoft event

Getting ready for a airsoft event can be pretty hard, myself I already have my gear but if you don't I am going to give you some tips on how to get ready. Here are all the things that you will need for an airsoft event
1-Weapon- To eliminate enemy,ex AKM, M4
2-Secondary Weapon- In case that the primary weapon run out of ammo or stop working,ex Desert Eagle,Alpha
3-Third Weapon-(optional)
4-Vest- So you can put your ammo, magazine, flashlight(optional), hop op adjust key(optional), cellphone
5-Hydration Pack- In the game your are going to get pretty thirsty, Hydration pack will let you drink water
6-Battle Uniform- This is just for the look so its optional
7-Goggles- Will let BB away from your eye
8-Pads- Will let you lean in terrain 
9-Footwear- It will help you move easily on any terrain
11-Ammo- BB for your gun to shoot

Friday, September 16, 2011

What you should wear on the field

Hi, here i am going to teach you what you should be expecting to bring on a air soft war. First you need your weapon, second you should always bring a secondary gun it really helps. You will need boots for the terrain. A hydration backpack for water. A vest so you can carry more magazines or a map and things you may want to bring. Goggles a are a most  you should always bring goggle, they protect you from BB getting in to your eye. This one is an optimal one, I always like to bring a third weapon in to the field in case, you can bring a low profile weapon that can be manipulated very easily. Well that is pretty much all you'll need. If you are maybe confused you should check my page where it says gear or email me at  

Where to buy an airoft gun

If you aver want to by an airsoft gun you should not buy it from a hardware store. You have to buy it at the right place for it, I myself like to buy them at airsplat. Airsplat is a great store to buy airsoft gun. They have tons of cool guns. And the most cool part is the do free shipping. Lets say you want an m4 fully automatic. They have it and they also carry batteries, so  if you want to chek airsplat out is right on my adds

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Check this out :)

Hand sings

Hi, have you ever been on the field and the enemy is so close to you they can hear you, here i am going to teach you some basics hand sings. If you move your hand on top of your head like a roof and then pointing somewhere, that means cover you want them to cover where you are poiting at, If you hold up your hand with your fist close that means stop, you want them to stop whatever thery are doing, If you hold up your open hand, that means stop or the enemy will know where we are, If you open your hand and star pointing somewhere with it that means the enemy is where you are pointing at

Load out

Hi, here I am going to teach you a very simpla load out. First you need a primary weapons, you can use an aeg or low profile weapons it depends on the camp that you are playing on, second, a secondary weapond would be a lot of help on the field, it can help you protect your self when run out of bb on primary weapon or shooting and bbs on magaxine run out and need to shoot bach fast, you are also going to need a vest to plave your magazines and protection, googles are a must, a poch would be very help full as you can put your wasted magazines in there. This is a very simple load out that you may want to use on the field

The right weapong for the right place

Sometimes if you go to an airsoftyou may have to take the right weapon. I am going to teach you the kind of weapons that you may use on the camp. If you are playing outdoors you may want to use an aeg such as the scar, m4, akm and many more, also if you are very sneaky you may want to use a sniper, the weapon should be 330 fps or more. Now if you are playing indoors you may want to use a low profile weapong such as the ump, uzi, vector and many more, the weapong sould be 270-330, if more than 330 recomend using swetaers and no shorts as the bb could make you bleed.

Monday, August 22, 2011

What is airsoft

Airsoft is a war game that you use replicas of real guns. But in airsoft you don't kill each other you shoot each other with BB. Airsoft can be pretty dangerous if miss use so walways wear eye protection

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Are airsoft weapons safe?

Airsoft weapons can be pretty dangerous is miss use. You must always wear eye protection when playing or just when your are shooting. But there has never been a confirmed death by an airsoft gun. But always remember, play safe and have fun  

Rules of Entering and clearing a room

1-Always have a rear security, NEVER leave your back open to the enemy
2-Never stand in the fatal funnel, blocking entry will always kill you and your teammate
3- Muzzle awareness, NEVER flag your team, watch where you point your barrel, pull your trigger at only what you want to kill

How to chose the right BB

Does your gun jammed sometimes. Well is not the guns fault is the BB's fault. Sometimes if you buy BB that are not well known or you buy it from a bad retailer they can be pretty bad. You should always buy it from good retailers such as Dick sorting good and many more. But if you have crappy BB sometimes you can use them in hand grenades and grande launchers     

What is the hop up?

Have you ever ask yourself what is the hop up. Well I am going to teach you. The hop up is a tool that is in your gun that you adjust, no all weapon have the hop up. The hop up will let you shoot straight, curve or the bb will rise to the sky if move your hop up down the BB won't far if you moved up it will rise to the sky but if you adjusted right it will go far and straight

Slicing the pie

Have you ever found yourself in a corner and you are afraid if you look you will get shot, well i have a solution for that. Slicing the pie is a way of look on corners. What your want to do is back up from the corner for at least 7 meters if u can and the star to move in the direction that you want to look, move slowly. This will make looking on a corner a lot easier 

Basic hand sings

Here I am going to teach you some hand signs that you can use in the field
1- If you close your fist it means hold, everybody on your team must stop and wait for commands
2- If you raise your hand with all the finger extended it means stop, this one is more of a use when you have to stop or the enemy will fire to your position
4- Pointing to your eyes and then pointing to another direction means look
5- A close fist raise up and down rapidly means hurry up, you want them to hurry on what they are doing
6-Waving your hand up in your head like a roof and pointing somewhere means cover
7- A  open hand means enemy the enemy is where you are pointing
8- A finger pointing to the sky and rotating means rally
9- A thumps up means clear